Senators Subpoena Steward Health CEO, Open Investigation into Company

By: Dan Diamond; Washington Post Senators say executives at Steward, the nation’s largest physician-led hospital system, mismanaged finances and put patient care at risk. A Senate committee Thursday formally opened a bipartisan investigation into Steward Health Care, the nation’s largest physician-led hospital system, and voted to subpoena the company’s CEO, alleging that Steward executives had mismanaged the system’s finances and

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Senators Markey, Sanders seek subpoena for Steward CEO Ralph de la Torre

By: Robert Weisman; Boston Globe A pair of US senators Thursday said they’ll ask a Senate panel next week to subpoena Steward Health Care founder and chief executive Ralph de la Torre to testify about his role in leading the national hospital chain, which filed for bankruptcy on May 6. The senators, Ed Markey of Massachusetts and Bernie Sanders of Vermont, said they’ll

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Bernie Sanders’s 60-Year Fight

By: Bhaskar Sunkara; The Nation The independent senator from Vermont spoke to The Nation’s president about why he still believes political revolution can change the United States for the better. Bernie Sanders has not chosen the easy road in American politics. During the Cold War, in the early 1960s, he decided to join the Young People’s Socialist League. In the 1970s

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Amazon Prime Day Causes Workplace Injuries, Senate Probe Finds

By Lauren Kaori Gurley and Caroline O’Donovan; Washington Post An investigation by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee finds Prime Day sales event, happening this week, is “major cause” of worker injuries. Amazon’s annual Prime Day sales event, which starts Tuesday, has been a “major cause” of warehouse worker injuries, finds a year-long Senate investigation into workplace safety at

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US Senator Sanders Optimistic Novo Nordisk can be Pressured to Cut Wegovy, Ozempic Prices

By Ahmed Aboulenein; Reuters WASHINGTON, July 10 (Reuters) – Senator Bernie Sanders on Wednesday expressed confidence that Novo Nordisk (NOVOb.CO), opens new tab can be convinced to cut the U.S. prices of its popular Ozempic and Wegovy drugs used for weight loss by publicly shaming the company over how much it charges compared with prices in other countries. Novo Nordisk CEO Lars Jorgensen is set

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Sanders: Supreme Court Is “Out of Control” and Must Be Reformed

By Sharon Zhang; Truthout The senator criticized the “right-wing, corporate-sponsored Supreme Court” for its clear “extremist agenda.” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) has called for the Supreme Court to be subject to “real” reform after over a decade of right-wing rulings from a bench that has been captured by deep pocketed far right interests has put the U.S at the precipice

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