Bernie Sanders slams the ‘corporate elite’ like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, who ‘love the idea’ of paying less in taxes

By: Ayelet Sheffey; Business Insider Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders isn’t holding back his thoughts on why Democrats still haven’t come to an agreement on their $3.5 trillion social-spending bill. In a recent opinion piece, he unleashed on lobbyists and billionaires who oppose the spending. “The corporate elite seem to love the idea that billionaires have a lower effective tax rate than

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Sanders blaming spending bill delay on corporate lobbying

By: Caroline Vakil; The Hill Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday said that efforts to finalize and vote on a roughly $3.5 trillion dollar Democratic spending bill is being delayed because of corporate lobbying. In a new op-ed published on Fox News, Sanders blamed the delay on the “human infrastructure” bill on lobbying efforts from the pharmaceutical industry, private health insurance companies and the

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Sanders blames centrist opposition on drug industry donations

By: Caitlin Emma; Politico  Bernie Sanders is sharpening his barbs toward Democrats who have resisted his and President Joe Biden’s agenda. The Senate Budget chair railed against moderate opposition to a prescription drug overhaul that top Democrats want to include in Biden’s massive social spending package, arguing that centrists rejecting the measures are bankrolled and beholden to the pharmaceutical industry.

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Bernie Sanders to House Progressives: Hold Strong or the Senate Will Tank Biden’s Agenda

By: Julia Rock & Ryan Grim; The Intercept House progressives gathered privately on Tuesday afternoon and recommitted to blocking any effort to split the bipartisan infrastructure bill away from the broader reconciliation package, which includes the bulk of President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better agenda.  The pledge comes after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi threatened Monday to delink the two, risking

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Sanders Calls Deadly Afghan Drone Strike ‘Unacceptable’

By: Joseph Choi; The Hill  Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Sunday said the drone strike in Afghanistan that resulted in the deaths of 10  civilians was “unacceptable.” “I certainly hope they understand what happened and make sure that never happens again. And this is not only a human tragedy, it reflects on us before the entire world. It’s unacceptable,” Sanders said of

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Sanders ‘Disappointed’ in House Panel’s Vote on Drug Prices

By: Lexi Lonas; The Hill Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said he is “disappointed” with a House panel’s vote on Wednesday to block legislation to lower drug prices.  “I’m very disappointed in the vote today on prescription drugs by the House Energy and Commerce Committee,” Sanders said on Twitter. “I get that the pharmaceutical industry owns the Republican Party and that no Republican voted for this

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