No More US complicity with Netanyahu’s War Machine in Gaza

By Bernie Sanders; Boston Globe    Israel has the right to respond to Hamas. It does not have the right to go to war against the Palestinian people. It’s difficult to comprehend the severity of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. This war was begun by the brutal Hamas attack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, that killed about 1,200 innocent people and

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Bernie Sanders: It’s Time for a 4-day Work Week

By: Sen. Bernie Sanders; CNN The wealthiest people in this country have never had it so good. While income and wealth inequality in the United States is soaring, more than 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, we have one of the highest rates of childhood poverty among major countries on Earth, and more than 650,000 people are homeless. According to a study by the Rand Corporation, since 1975,

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A Revolution in American Foreign Policy

By: Bernie Sanders; Foreign Affairs  Replacing Greed, Militarism, and Hypocrisy With Solidarity, Diplomacy, and Human Rights A sad fact about the politics of Washington is that some of the most important issues facing the United States and the world are rarely debated in a serious manner. Nowhere is that more true than in the area of foreign policy. For many

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Our retirement system is a disaster for working people. We can fix it

By: Bernie Sanders; Fox News Working people used to have pensions when they retired. Now almost 45% of older Americans have no savings As chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, I recently held a hearing on the retirement crisis in America.   At that hearing, I had the opportunity to hear from Sara Schambers, a fourth-generation

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Defense Contractors Are Bilking the American People

By: Bernie Sanders; The Atlantic Congress should curb war profiteering with a new Truman Committee. America’s national priorities are badly misplaced. Our country spends, with almost no debate, nearly $1 trillion a year on the military while at the same time ignoring massive problems at home. We apparently have unlimited amounts of money for nuclear weapons, fighter planes, bombs, and

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