Release: Hunger Among Seniors a Growing Crisis
Poor Nutrition Drives Up Health Care Costs WASHINGTON, June 21 – More than 5 million American seniors face the threat of hunger and 1 million a year go hungry, according to a report released today by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) at a hearing of a Senate panel he chairs. Poor nutrition can cause chronic diseases that require costly hospital or nursing
Sanders Secures $500,000 for Summer and After-School Programs
BURLINGTON, Vt., June 17 – On the last school day for most Vermont students, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) announced summer school and after-school programs that will receive funds to help more than 2,500 students. The awards will be shared by 27 programs that offer academic support, enrichment activities, and career exploration. “Study after study show that high-quality summer programs
Summer and Extended Learning Opportunities Grants
• Brattleboro Enrichment Activities for Middle Schoolers (BEAMS) Summer Switch Program –$20,000 (Brattleboro) Funding will expand Brattleboro Area Middle School’s tremendously successful one-week summer program for at-risk 7th and 8th graders, to a two-week program. BEAMS’ service-learning projects and outdoor education curriculum will be expanded, supporting students’ academic, social, and personal success through engaging thematic units on topics of interest
Sanders to NRC: Stay Out of Vt. Yankee Fight
Sen. Bernie Sanders on Thursday blasted the Nuclear Regulatory Commission during an appearance before a Senate panel for asking the Department of Justice to intervene in an Entergy Corp. lawsuit against the state of Vermont over the future of the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant. “I was deeply disturbed that the commissioners of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission today refused to make
Release: Sanders’ Bill Would Stop Rampant Oil Speculation
WASHINGTON, June 15 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today introduced legislation to make federal commodity regulators halt excessive oil speculation that has driven up gasoline prices. A provision in last year’s Wall Street reform law required federal regulators to clamp down on speculators, but the Commodity Futures Trading Commission has refused to do so. Partly as a result of the failure