Share Your Thoughts on Our Health Care System and What You Want to See in the Future
In my view, the health care system here in Vermont and across the country is broken, dysfunctional, and outrageously expensive. I believe that health care is a human right, should be guaranteed to all, and that we need to move to a Medicare for All single-payer system. We should not continue being the only major country on earth not to provide universal health care.
Celebrating Good Work in Our Communities
As we head into the new year, I wanted to take a moment to remind you of a very important fact. If you are having a hard time, if you are struggling to make ends meet, to put food on the table, to pay rent: You are not alone. And there are agencies that can help.
This is some of what we must do to reform our dysfunctional healthcare system
It’s going to take a lot of work to reform our broken and dysfunctional healthcare system. I want to share an article with you that I recently wrote for The Guardian newspaper that outlines some of what I believe has to be done if we are to create the kind of healthy society that Americans deserve. I hope you will take the time to read my op-ed here or below.
A Year in Photos
As 2024 comes to a close, I think we can all agree: It has been quite a year. We have faced challenges, but we have also experienced remarkable moments of joy, kindness, resilience, and hope.
These Young Vermonters Give Me Hope
Each year, the Vermont Congressional Delegation comes together at the end of December to nominate outstanding young Vermonters to be members of the United States Service Academies. We hold this annual reception at the Vermont State House and invite families and current students of the academies to join us.
Carrie Justice
Born and raised in Vermont, Carrie Justice moved to Hinesburg with her husband in the 1980s. After losing her job of 25 years to foreign competition, Carrie heard that the Hinesburg Community School was looking for someone to run their custodial and facility services. Her husband told her, “I think you’d be great.” And he was right.